Category Archives: Healthy Schools

CDC e-learning module: Parents for Healthy Schools

CDC’s Healthy Schools program is pleased to announce the launch of the fourth e-Learning module, Parents for Healthy Schools, part of the Training Tools for Healthy Schools: Promoting Health and Academic Success (TTHS)  eLearning series. the previously released TTHS  eLearning modules, The Parents for Healthy Schools module provides;

  • Easier and more flexible access to the Parents for Healthy Schools valuable resources
  • Robust Go Further sections with additional information and resources
  • Tailored learning experience through a self-directed module ranging from 1 – 1.5 hours

It’s Time to Reframe How We Think About Education and Health

It’s Time to Reframe How We Think About Education and Health

May 17, 2016, 10:03 AM, Posted by Kristin Schubert


Kids spend more time at school than anywhere outside their homes, making schools where we have the greatest chance of improving kids’ health trajectory through physical, social and emotional development.

Read the article from the Robert Wood Johnson Culture of Health blog:

Lead Testing in School Drinking Water Webinar

Lead Testing in School Drinking Water

Join us for a webinar on May 20, 2016 at 11:00 AM PDT.

Register now!

School administrators, local health officials, and others are invited to a webinar from the Washington State Department of Health to learn more about testing drinking water for possible lead contamination, health effects of lead, the Governor’s Directive for Drinking Water, the State Board of Health School Rule, and resources available. The webinar will be recorded and posted for future viewing.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

View System Requirements

Heroin and Prescription Opiate Taskforce Community Meeting

Heroin and Prescription Opiate Taskforce Community Meeting: 

A free community conversation on heroin and prescription opiate overdose and addiction on May 31st in Renton, sponsored by the King County Heroin & Prescription Opiate Addiction Task Force (formerly MHCADSD). This is a public event and your voice is needed!


community mtg

“Adolescent-Friendly Services: Key Criteria and Assessment Tool

A webinar intended for clinical staff in schools and providers in the community who either provide or refer youth to sexual health services. Presented by Jessica Serrano, MD, Division of Adolescent Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine/Seattle Children’s Hospital, it is sponsored by OSPI’s Adolescent Health/School-based Prevention project to promote exemplary sexual health education (ESHE).

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Kids Learn Better in Healthy School Environment

Primary and secondary schools are responsible for providing a healthy and safe learning environment for schoolchildren in Washington State.

A healthy school environment keeps children’s minds alert and bodies strong. Poorly maintained school buildings can cause illness or make symptoms worse for children, teachers, and staff. This results in absences, missed schoolwork, and lower test scores. Schools that promote healthy environments can improve health and productivity for students and adults.

Middle school students in class.
Middle school students in class.

Washington State’s School Environmental Health and Safety Program works with local health jurisdictions, school districts, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, private schools, agencies and non-profits to promote incorporation of environmental health and safety into school facility design, operation, and maintenance. The program also provides support for implementation of the State Board of Health School Rule, Chapter 246-366 WAC.

Technical areas include controlling asthma triggers, science lab, art, and shop safety, hazardous waste management, injury prevention, playground safety, indoor air quality, ventilation, emergency response, communicable and vector-borne disease control, animals in schools, integrated pest management, cleaning and disinfection for health and safety, general safety, noise control, and lighting.

School Environmental Health Program Activities

— Work with, and provide technical assistance on school environmental health and safety issues to local health jurisdictions and school staff – including custodians, nurses, administrators, and maintenance and operations and risk managers.

— Provide interpretation and technical support on the State Board of Health School Rule (WAC 246-366), the K12 Health and Safety Guide, and the School Indoor Air Quality Best Practices Manual.

— Promote best practices through presentations, statewide committee participation, and work with school associations and state, local, and federal agencies.

— Available for phone and on-site consultation on school environmental health and safety issues, including indoor air quality.

— Available for presentations and trainings.

— Participate in the Department of Health and Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Coordinated School Health Program funded by the CDC.

Healthy Indoor Air is Important

— Over 1 million Washington children spend about 1300 hours in a school building each year.

— One half of U.S. schools have indoor environmental quality problems (Source: EPA).

— Children in classrooms with higher outdoor air ventilation rates tend to have higher scores on standard math and reading tests than children in poorly ventilated classrooms (Source: EPA).

— Poor indoor air quality not only can trigger asthma episodes in susceptible children but also can cause drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, headache, inability to concentrate, and eye, nose, throat, and skin irritation – all of which compromise learning. (Source: School Health Policies and Practices Study).

— Indoor concentrations of pollutants are commonly three to five times higher than outdoor concentrations due to chemicals found in some conventional cleaning products, improper cleaning procedures, defective or ineffective climate control (HVAC) systems, interior finishes, exterior pollutant, personal care products and renovation projects (Source: EPA).

See resources provided by the School Environmental Health Program

Source: Washington State Department of Health

Healthy Students Achieve!