Tag Archives: sex ed

Free FLASH Training

OSPI is are offering two trainings on the Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH) curriculum. 

July 7, Des MoinesFLASH training for elementary educators – registration deadline is June 27.

July 11, WenatcheeFLASH training for middle school educators, using the newly revised Middle School FLASH – registration deadline is July 1.

This training is a highly interactive and research-based learning process that supports educators with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully use the FLASH program in the classroom. Educators who successfully complete the FLASH learning process walk away with knowledge and skills on:

  • The foundations of sexual health and HIV instruction
  • How to answer sensitive student questions
  • Key concepts to use in teaching the FLASH curriculum
  • Best practices in methodology for teaching key sexuality education topics such as abstinence, puberty, sexual violence prevention, LGBT issues, and more.

This full day training provides 7 free clock hours.

Middle School FLASH is newly revised (June 2016). OSPI has a limited number of free licenses for the on-line versions of both middle and high school FLASH.


for this and other Sexual health and HIV training resources, please go to OSPI.

Healthy Youth Need PREP

WA PREP Intervention Partners educate youth ages 11-18 on both abstinence and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.


The 2014-2015 Intervention Partners received funding to implement evidenced based interventions (EBIs) in Washington State communities. This includes HIV/AIDS and three adulthood preparation subjects subjects (Healthy Relationships, Parent-Child Communication, and Healthy Life Skills). WA PREP staff have provided specialized technical assistance and training to all Intervention Partners to build their capacity to implement EBIs.

The Washington State Personal Responsibility Education Program (WA PREP) is in its fourth year!

Currently, WA PREP has trained dozens of facilitators in eight EBIs:

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

On August 17, 2010, Governor Gregoire designated DOH as the lead agency to apply for and administer WA PREP. To implement this grant, the department has collaborated with Cardea, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Department of Social and Health Services.


Cardea’s role within PREP will include training local educators in one of the five evidenced-based interventions that the community has chosen. Cardea will also provide training in supplemental topics and ongoing technical assistance, as needed to ensure that local educators have the knowledge and skills needed to implement their communities chosen curriculum effectively.

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)

DSHS is an integrated organization providing a range of services including behavioral health care, financial assistance, food assistance, juvenile justice, child welfare, aging, and development disability services. Their mission is to improve the safety and health of individuals, families and communities by providing leadership and establishing and participating in partnerships. DSHS is a strong partner in WA PREP because they believe that all of the vulnerable youth served today can become healthy empowered adults.

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

OSPI‘s HIV and Sexual Health Education Program within the Teaching and Learning Division provides leadership, technical assistance, resources and support to schools by promoting best practices in HIV/STD/Unintended pregnancy prevention and comprehensive sexual health education. Collaborating to implement WA PREP aligns with the overall goal of the HIV and Sexual Health program to ensure that all students have the necessary knowledge and skills for a safe and healthy life now, and in the future.

Learn more at www.waprepforhealthyyouth.org